Monday, April 03, 2006

Non-spending (tm)

Eurobhag Themepark
Press Release
Ritter News Agency, Netherlands
Thursday Evening
Run this story:
Bhagcom International has announced its plans to open a themepark dedicated to Corporate Religion and the Cult of Shopping. The themepark----part Barnum and Bailey, and part psychedelic ’60 s Be-In has been constructed forty miles outside downtown Amsterdam. A great deal of speculation is brewing concerning the innovative firm’s,
Non-spending™ strategy. When asked for the meaning of non-spending ™, Bhagcom’s marketing director, R. Juna had this to say: “The Non-spending ™ philosophy is the answer to a question that Mohatma Ghandi once posed to our the venerable chairman of Universal Bhagavad, Harry Krishna: ‘Can the Bhagavad corporate vehicle be of any assistance in ushering in a new age of sharing?’ Eurobhag Themepark will be the first flowering of this beautiful ideal as it were in concrete, material terms. Non-spending™ is not such a new idea after all and has its roots in monastic life, and pure Marxism but in its present manifestation at the themepark, what we have in mind is something along the lines of universal sharing but within a rigorous capitalist campaign to promote Bhagavad America’s worldwide material/spiritual domination.” The themepark is set to open this Summer.

Perhaps, you find the explanation rather strange. You are not alone in thinking that it vague and even impossible! On of the leading ministers of finance, Brian Jones, explains it as follows:
Non-spending™ is part of the natural evolution of the market as it emerges into the new millennium. To be in business is no longer a matter of selling products as committing one’s belief to a certain brand. Having made this initial commitment to brand in some fundamental and absolute sense, the customer has no other choice but to enter into a shared value system, which is the Ultimate Product™, the refinement of the firm’s most cherished ethical commitment, streamlined into a spiritual product. The consumer is no longer a consumer of product, this is not what motivates the age-old buyer/seller alliance. A more accurate description of what is going on is that a consumer in declaring brand preference is actually professing his/her belief in a specific type of Corporate Religion. The response from the organization absolutely convinced of the confidence placed in its brand is to offer a policy of non-spending in order to better legitimate the people’s trust. When your brand is supreme as is Bhagavad’s then the strategy makes perfect sense. Non-spending™ is a means of total participation and sharing in the essence of the corporate paradigm. As we well know from their astonishing success in the states, the Spiritual Boutiques and Religious Supermarkets have ushered in Bhagavad America as the marketing miracle of the world.

Reverend Chubuckby Ebee Bubucks Purport
Bhagavad International emerged as a global Corporation in the 1970s with its paraphernalia shops and then acquired greater and greater market position owing to its Doctrine of Materialism™ philosophy. This philosophy sees the world itself as a commodity exchange and all individuals participate in it. Energy is given and it is taken in equal amounts. Business is the mediation between man and his natural environment.

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